Philip Evans: How data will transform business
How business will go from a vertical organization to a horizontal structure through Big Data and online communities.
Also has some interesting insights about the powerful surveillance systems of casinos in Las Vegas.
We Will Obey the Giant Robots That Are Coming to Direct Our Traffic
An 8-foot-tall robot got drivers to fall in line. Here’s a look at the science of why humans are willing to obey robots.
The video is in French, but you still get how the robot works.
Map of preventable disease outbreaks shows the influence of anti-vaccination movements
…it is packed with evidence — both empirical and anecdotal — that illnesses humanity worked out how to halt fifty years ago are again a threat in the west.
Read this. Now!
It’s good to be reminded that the internet is not just this big happy place once in a while. Speak up the next time you see behavior you do not agree with! I myself am guilty of often moving on and thinking, it’s ‘just’ the internet. But at the end of the day there are still mostly human beings on the other end.
The Technical Interview Is Dead (And No One Should Mourn) | TechCrunch
Fortunately, “better than the old way” is a very low bar, and most good developers casting about for a new gig would far rather work on a real paid interesting project for a week than spend a day regurgitating code on a whiteboard.
So true.
The only real problem is that it doesn’t scale. Google, for instance, would need to find literally thousands of one-week audition projects every year for its candidates, which is probably not realistic.
One more reason I dislike big companies.
Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion (by TEDtalksDirector)
Ernesto Sirolli: Want to help someone? Shut up and listen! (by TEDtalksDirector)
Commissioned painting. One of my favorite recent works, I think. :)
Check out her other work on Hard work pays off it seems.
Kent Larson: Brilliant designs to fit more people in every city (by TEDtalksDirector)
I so want to do this, but how to start?